All a man seeks is freedom from thought.
The tenacious volatility of thought, that devours his peace.
Nothing more.
This is not about ‘not thinking’, which seems to trouble the average western man’s idea of the world – purely a cultural phenomenon.
This is about mastering the mind. It is the Ultimate Selfhood.
Because only then can one express his True Nature.
Do not believe the spoken words or writing of any man. See for yourself.
Man is a fallen god.
His superficiality has rendered him depressed and anxious.
He tries to fix thinking with thinking. Modern psychology 101.
He clings onto illusions because he fears Truth. He fears what is, in order to maintain his fragility.
All while revealing he wants ‘change’ and an end to his unhappiness.
This is not ‘wrong’. It is man’s and societies current state of consciousness.
The degenerative conditioning passed down through generations.
But Truth is a constant, and completely non-judgemental – like the Sun.
The illusion of time and conditioning does not interfere.
His thinking mind is the gatekeeper to his illusions.
Who would he be without this ongoing mental maintenance?
He’d be released.
Restricting Nature looks like fear, apathy, anxiety, depression. The world is riddled with it.
When there is an unwavering, authentic desire for Truth, The Way opens to him.
The mind is seen. There is an understanding beyond words.
This is Freedom. It’s Real and Raw.
Man has, locked away deep within his being, a complete expression of life. A Natural State ineffably boundless.
This is accessible for all, but available to very few.