Why You’re Fearful Of Self-Expression
Have you noticed that we are attracted to expressive people? Not necessarily the eccentric type, which can be annoying, but the confident type.
Whether the person is naturally introverted or extroverted, we resonate with those who fearlessly express themselves.
What is it within us that holds this quality in high regard?
Is it self-expression that we hold in high regard, or the level of self-esteem that they possess? In his book Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, Nathaniel Brandon said – “Self-esteem is the reputation we acquire with ourselves”.
If we lack self-esteem and yet perceive it in others, we’ll naturally be attracted to them as a ‘fulfilment’ mechanism within ourselves.
The qualities that we revere in others is a projection of our’ inner gold‘. That which resides within us is projected onto these people until we have matured enough to take the ‘inner gold’ back and utilise it for ourself.
In this context, self-expression (and self-esteem) is what we are revering. We are projecting that self-esteem (which already resides within us) onto the figure.
As we mature, we take this gold back – but only when we have sufficient self-esteem.
What Are We Fearful Of?
We are fearful of the good opinion of other people (goop).
This stems from group-think and the perceived consequences of leaving the herd. Other peoples opinions only hold the power you allow them to have. They have no meaning other than the meaning you give them.
But the opinion of others only matters to someone is fearful of leaving the crowd. Check out my article on how to rise above the crowd for a more in-depth look at this.
We are conditioned to be small. The world does not promote individual magnificence; it promotes being average and fitting in. Look all around you; how many people are genuinely seeking to become more knowledgeable, wise and enlightened?
This is pushed on purpose, but only because there is a high demand for docility.
To be fearless in self-expression requires an awareness of this conditioning, and then a breaking of the mind virus.
Becoming fearless is a natural by-product of higher levels of consciousness. The awareness that the opinion of others is powerless is a good first step.
As we progress the levels of consciousness, we realise that all fear stems from a position of duality – an ‘us’ and a ‘them’. Therefore collapsing this duality transcends what we understand as fear.
Of course, our biological makeup gives us the ability to ‘flee in fright’ if need be – but that is now a tool, rather than an emotional reaction, which is where most people live their lives.