3 Psychological Development Models

psychological development

3 Psychological Development Models

These are the 3 psychological development models that I work with and write about.

They are the following:-

The Map of Consciousness

Spiral Dynamics

Ego Development Theory


I suggest studying these 3 models in depth. Sovereignty begins with humility. When you study this type of work you get a realisation for the incredible depth of the human condition. It brings a level of compassion for societies and individuals who are operating at different values.


Map of Consciousness

The map of consciousness is a work of genius by Dr David Hawkins. In the coming decades, I expect the model to gain more popularity in communities outside of the more spiritually developed. Mainstream psychology/therapy could do a lot worse than make the map of consciousness a primary reference source.

See an in-depth explanation here, which also has a video explanation of people and ‘things’ at different levels.


Spiral Dynamics

Spiral Dynamic is an incredible work created by Don Beck and Chris Cowan, taking further Clare Graves’ work. It breaks down the human ego levels and what you can expect to see at each level. It helps you in making sense in a chaotic world. The model gets used regularly within coaching and organisational change.

Spiral Dynamics uses the term ‘memetics’ – the study of the evolution of culture and ideas. A meme is an idea that spreads itself through information carriers, such as the human brain. Memes could be considered attractor patterns, similar to the map of consciousness.

See an-depth explanation and a breakdown of all the levels here.


Ego Development Theory (Susan Cook-Greuter Model)

This work is based on Ego Development Theory, originally put forward by Jane Loevinger (American Psychologist)

Susan Cook-Greuter took Loevinger’s phenomenal work and took it to another level. I consider Cook-Greuter’s ‘Nine Levels Of Increasing Embrace In Ego Development: A Full-Spectrum Theory Of Vertical Growth And Meaning Making’ to be one of the essential pieces of work of modern psychology.

It is best understood as a framework that portrays individuals’ growth as moving into ever greater awareness and integration about both the inner and the outer world.

What I like about this psychological development model is that it is very grounded and practical. It was derived based on evidence from responses to the sentence completion test, which we now call the MAP (Maturity Assessment Profile).

