Consciousness Calibrations

Dr David Hawkins Consciousness Calibrations

The History Of Muscle Testing

Dr. David Hawkins

Consciousness Calibration


In 2014 I picked up a book called Power vs Force by Dr David Hawkins. It changed the course of my life. 

Hawkins suggested that there was a ‘scale’ that could be calibrated from 1-1000 to determine the ‘power’ or truth of a specific idea or object. These calibrations could be found by ‘muscle testing’. 


The History Of Muscle Testing

In the 1960’s Dr. George Goodheart developed ‘Applied Kinesiology‘. Otherwise known as ‘muscle testing’, Applied Kinesiology determined whether a remedy was beneficial for the human body. If the muscle tested held firm, the substance could be considered ‘good’ for the body. The substance could be considered ‘bad’ if the tested muscle went weak.

Dr. John Diamond took this work further in the 1980s. He found that images, philosophies, music, art etc., could also affect one’s physiology. Dr. Diamond’s work presented a theory that human life force is affected by everything that interacts with it, whether positive or negative.


Dr. David Hawkins

Dr. David Hawkins built on Goodheart and Diamond’s work by discovering that the muscle test is a non-local response from the field of consciousness (or the zero point field if we use scientific language).

Hawkins proposed that kinesiological muscle testing could be used to discern truth from falsehood and determine degrees of truth via one’s power or energy level. 

This discovery led Hawkins to calibrate people, theories, philosophies, books, statements, spiritual scripture, organisations, sports… (you name it) over decades of research. 

If you are new to the work of Dr David Hawkins, consider reading an overview of the Map of Consciousness. It will assist in making sense of the calibrations. 


*Please note that these are NOT my calibrations. Sources are cited at the bottom of the article. 


Consciousness Calibrations

Consciousness Calibrations –

Dr David Hawkins used muscle testing to calibrate the degree of truth in people, places, philosophies, spiritual practices etc.

The levels typically calibrate from 0-1000 (although some go higher in higher domains), with 0 being the lowest level of consciousness, and 1000 being the highest that can be contained by the human nervous system.

Examples of various topics and the consciousness calibration levels are below.

Skip to Calibration Section:




Statement Category Calibration
Life cannot be destroyed, it can only change form Statement 1000
Creation and Evolution are one and the same reality Statement 1000
Consciousness is the irreducible stratum of all that exists Statement 1000
The circumstances of birth and life are karmically perfect Statement 998
No one comes to the Father, but by me Statement 940
I am myself, heaven and hell Statement 700
One’s exact time of death is set at birth Statement True
One’s consciousness level is set at birth Statement True
Humans can live on prana energy Statement True
Chi energy exists Statement True
Wait three days before burial or cremation Statement True
Reincarnation is real Statement True
Stigmata are real phenomenons Statement True
Free will is an illusion Statement True
It is possible to come up from lower regions of hell, with the exception of blasphemy Statement True
Gods will for you is happiness. to be happy is pleasing to god. Statement True
There are angels in bodies. Statement True
By our mere existence we are, all is, divine. Statement True
All things are god Statement True
The light of God is consciousness Statement True
It is safe to die Statement True
Discretion of speech is a higher good than freedom of speech Statement True
The number of causes for any event is infinite Statement True
All living things are aware as you walk by Statement True
Consciousness is the mind of God Statement True

World Religions and Religious Scriptures


Statement Category Calibration
Mahayana Buddhism Religion 960
Bhagavad-Gita Holy Scripture 910
Zen Buddhism Religion 890
Hinayana Buddhism Religion 890
Sufism Religion 700
Midrash Religious Scripture 665
Judaism Religion 555
Orthodox Judaism Religion 545
Gnostic Christianity Religion 515
Tantric Buddhism Religion 515
Dzogchen Rinpoche Buddhist Tradition 510
Gnosis Religious Teachings 503
Taoism Religion 500
Tibetan Buddhism Religion 490
Shinto Japanese Religion 350
Eckankar Religious Movement 230
Falun Gong Religious Movement 195
Wicca Heathen Religion 155
Raelism UFO-Religion 130

“Religious” or Spiritual Figures


Statement Category/ Description Calibration
God The Creator Infinity
Archangels Spiritual Beings 50,000 – 500,000
Jesus The Son of God 1000
Buddha Religion 1000
Ahura Mazda Name for god in Zoroastrianism 1000
Krishna Indian God 1000
Om Name of God 975
Huang Po Zen Buddhist Master 960
Moses Religious Figure 910
Apostle John Christian Apostle of Jesus 910
Mahatma Gandhi Indian Hindu Sage 760
Rabbi Moses de Leon Jewish Rabbi 720
Mother Teresa Indian Catholic Missionary 710
Father Pio Italian Catholic Monk 585
Pope John Paul II Head of Catholic Church 1920-2005 570




Statement Category Calibration
Plotinus Greek Philosopher 730
Sri Adi Sankaracharya Hindu philosopher and mystic 710
Chuang Tzu Chinese Philosopher 890
Socrates Greek Philosopher 540
Eric Hoffer Philosopher 505
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin French Philosopher 500
Ken Wilber Philosopher 490
Rudolf Steiner Philosopher 475
Euripides Philosopher 470
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel German Philosopher 470
Blaise Pascal French Philosopher 465
Bertrand Russell Philosopher 465
Immanuel Kant Philosopher 460
George Boole Philosopher 460
Galileo Galilei Italian Philosopher 455
Marcus Aurelius Philosopher 445
Niccolò Machiavelli Philosopher 440
Epictetus Greek Philosopher 430
Ayn Rand Russian Philosopher 400
Karl Marx German Philosopher 130




Movie Category Calibration
Dickens Christmas Carol Movie 499
Winged Migration Movie 495
Ray Movie 475
Ben Hur Movie, 1959 475
The Colour Purple Movie, 1985 475
Forrest Gump Movie, 1994 475
Fantasia Movie, 1940 475
Gandhi Movie, 1982 455
What the Bleep Do We (K)now!? Movie, documentary, 2004 455
A Man for All Seasons Movie 455
Wizard of OZ, The Movie, 1939 450
Sound of Music Movie 425
Singin’ in the Rain Movie 415
Lion King Movie 415
Rain Man Movie 410
A Beautiful Mind Movie 375
Gigi Movie 375
Dances with Wolves Movie 375
Cleopatra Movie 365
Murder on the Orient Express Movie 365
Oliver! Movie 365
Mash Movie 360
Sleepless in Seattle Movie 350
Willie Wonka Movie 345
Maltese Falcon Movie 325
Graduate Movie 325
Rebel Without a Cause Movie 310
River’s Edge Movie 310
To Kill a Mockingbird Movie 310
Love Story Movie 310
Breakfast Club Movie 300
Sting Movie 295
On the Waterfront Movie 295
FahrenHYPE 9/11 Movie 290
Braveheart Movie 275
You’ve Got Mail Movie 275
Lord of the Flies Movie 270
Wild Bunch Movie 270
Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid Movie 270
Rocky Movie 265
Close Encounters of the Third Kind Movie 265
Crocodile Dundee Movie 265
Gold Rush Movie 260
It Happened One Night Movie 255
Ghostbusters Movie 235
A Fish Called Wanda Movie 230
Dr. Strangelove Movie 225
Kramer vs. Kramer Movie 205
LA Confidential Movie 205
Rocky Horror Picture Show Movie 205
Third Man Movie 200
Apartment Movie 200
Tom Jones Movie 195
Passion of Christ Movie, 1937, edited movie (cutting out violent scenes) calibrates at 395 190
Santa Clause 2 Movie 190
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Movie 185
Barbarella Movie 185
Bowling for Columbine Movie 185
Twin Towers, The Movie 180
Beverly Hills Cop Movie 180
Godzilla Movie 180
Schindler’s List Movie 180
Jaws Movie 180
Fahrenheit 9/11 Movie 180
TV Nation Movie 180
Matrix, The Movie 165
Godfather, Part II Movie 155
Carnal Knowledge Movie 155
Deer Hunter Movie 155
Exorcist Movie 140
Sex, Lies and Videotape Movie 140
Fatal Attraction Movie 140
Birth of a Nation, The Movie 140
Thelma and Louise Movie 140
Cat in the Hat Movie 130
Terminator Movie 125
It’s Alive Movie 125
Wait Until Dark Movie 110
Good Fellas Movie 100
Falling Down Movie 90
Halloween Movie 85
Omen, The Movie 85
In Cold Blood Movie 80
Psycho Movie 80
A Clockwork Orange Movie 70
Apocalypse Now Movie 65
Rosemary’s Baby Movie 60
Shining Movie 55
Silence of the lambs Movie 45
Pulp Fiction Movie 25




Country Category Calibration
England Country, 2005 420
Canada Country, 2005 415
Great Britan Country, 2005 410
Australia Country, 2005 410
Hawaii Country, 2005 405
Netherlands Country, 2005 405
Singapore Country, 2005 405
Germany Country, 2005 400
Hong Kong Country, 2005 400
South Korea Country, 2005 400
Switzerland Country, 2005 400
China Country, 2007 385
Sweden Country, 2005 385
Italy Country, 2005 380
India Country, 2005 355
Japan Country, 2005 355
Scandinavia Country, 2005 350
France Country, 2005 310
China Country, 2005 305
Spain Country, 2005 300
Egypt Country, 2005 300
Morocco Country, 2005 245
Turkey Country, 2005 245
Nepal Country, 2005 204
Russia Country, 2005 201
Liberia Country, 2005 200
South Africa Country, 2005 195
Poland Country, 2005 195
Kuwait Country, 2005 190
Iran Country, 2005 190
Israel Country, 2005 190
Philippines Country, 2005 190
Niger Country, 2005 185
Pakistan Country, 2005 185
Palestine Country, 2005 185
U.A.E. Country, 2005 180
Saudi Arabia Country, 2005 175
North korea Country, 2005 175
Middle east Country, 2005 170
Sri Lanka Country, 2005 165
Ukraine Country, 2005 140
Pakistan Country, 2005 140
Iraq Country, 2005 125
Madagascar Country, 2005 125
Namibia Country, 2005 100
Somalia Country, 2005 100
Libya Country, 2005 95
Yemen Country, 2005 90
Chad Country, 2005 90
Algeria Country, 2005 90
Gabon Country, 2005 90
Afghanistan Country, 2005 85
Tanzania Country, 2005 80
Congo Country, 2005 75
Uganda Country, 2005 70
Botswana Country, 2005 65
Haiti Country, 2005 55
Zimbabwe Country, 2005 50
Angola Country, 2005 50
Democratic Republic of Congo Country, 2005 40
Kenya Country, 2005 40



Statement Author Calibration
I, Reality and Subjectivity Dr David Hawkins 999
The Eye of The I Dr David Hawkins 980
Transcending the Levels of Consciousness Dr David Hawkins 965
Truth vs Falsehood Dr David Hawkins 935
New Testament Holy Scripture, King James Translation 790
Lotus Sutra Holy Scripture 780
Heart Sutra Holy Scripture 780
Koran Holy Scripture of Islam 720
Cloud of Unknowing Mystic Scripture 705
Rigveda Hindu Holy Scripture 705
Midrash Religious Scripture of Judaism 665
Mishna Religious Scripture of Judaism 665
Vijnana Bhairava Hindu Scripture 635
Kabbala Scripture 605
Tibetan Book of the Dead Padmasambhava 575
The Practice of the Presence of God Brother Lawrence 575
The Book of Kells Holy Scripture 570
Tora Holy Scripture of Judaism 550
Book or Mormon Book 510
The Universe in a Nutshell Stephen Hawking 499
I Ching Philosophy of Ancient China 430
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys to Enoch Prof.Dr.J.J.Hurtak 265
Book of Revelation Last Book of the New Testament 70





