3 Mental Models You Need To Know

mental models


Whether we realise it or not, there are mental models that we live by every day. As you go through them, you’ll recognise and understand them because you’re probably living them out unconsciously.

If you’re looking to become more self-aware and therefore more sovereign, it is wise to acknowledge them as you’re living them out. It helps to sharpen your decision making processes and makes you a more conscious Human.


Belief Bias

Unless you are completely objective, which is nearly impossible (if not totally), this law applies. Individuals rely on prior knowledge and personal beliefs. We are more likely to accept conclusions as valid if they agree with our prior information rather than accept them because they are accurate. All beliefs systems rely on this.

This is why two different people, one from the political left and one from the right, can be presented with the same information and come away with different conclusions.


Network Effect

The network effect is a phenomenon whereby increased numbers of people or participants improve the value to the existing ones. The Internet is an example of the network effect. Initially, few users were on the Internet since it was of little value to anyone outside of the military and some research scientists.

However, as more users gained access to the Internet, they produced more content, information, and services. As Internet traffic increases, it offers more value, leading to a network effect.



Most things come to be labelled as either fragile or robust.
Fragile – Breaks from disorder/stress. (Imagine a pane of glass being hit with a hammer)
Robust – Withstand disorder/stress but does not improve. (Imagine a slab of concrete being hit with a hammer)

Antifragility gains from disorder. The perfect example of antifragility is the Human body. As we put it under physical stress (exercise), it gets healthier. It thrives in disorder. Another example of antifragility (As used by Nicholas Taleb in his book ‘Anti-Fragile’) is Hydra of Greek Mythology. When you cut off his head, two grew back – Hydra thrived in disorder.

You have to be aware of the stress threshold. Too much stress causes fragility. Get as close to reaching that anti-fragile threshold without crossing the line. Over time that threshold will increase, and you’ll become more anti-fragile in that domain.


More Mental Models

These are 3 of a much longer list that I shared with my Patreon members – you can find that here. 

