I was sitting with a Christian friend of mine last week. We’re considering going into business together complete a development on the north east coast of Brazil.
As usual, most of the conversation turned deep, pretty quick. Paul isn’t the average bible thumping Christian. He studies the Hebrew texts with others at his offices on a Sunday; not the hooping and hollering type.
We disagree on quite a lot. As an example, he mentioned slaughtering a lamb as a sacrifice to God. I understand this as a myth and metaphor as a movement of ages from Taurus (age of the bull) to Aries (age of the Lamb – the Lamb of God). Paul hadn’t heard of this before, which surprised me. I find when we externalise sacred texts, their meaning diminishes.
These allegories are abstract stories of the Natural worlds unfoldment. Ancient civilisations ‘wrap’ allegory around the majesty of the natural world in the form of ‘gods’ and descriptive storytelling. We hear of ‘underworlds’, ‘heavens’, ‘resurrections’ and ‘sacrifices’ to scratch the surface.
Ishtar (notice the name) is the goddess of love and sexuality, and thus, fertility; she is responsible for all life. Look at the time of year we celebrate Easter – when the flowers are blooming and life is beginning to ‘spring’ into life. There is no coincidence that we ‘celebrate the resurrection/rebirth of Christ’ at this time.
In reality, Easter is ritualised mythology, currently celebrated in the form of chocolate bunnies and easter eggs; perhaps a mirror of our degeneration?
After all is said and done, does it matter too much? Enjoy the weekend.