Shamanic Drumming MP3

shamanic drumming

Shamanic Drumming

The purpose of Shamanic drumming is to put you into a hypnotic state by altering brain wave frequency. If you have experienced a shaman drumming in the right setting, you’ll know the power it can have on your state.

Mystical practices such as Shamanism have been given a negative spin for thousands of years because of the control mechanism operating in the world. Monotheistic religion in particular has shut down anything mystical and esoteric and labelled it satanic and devilish. Why? Because it threatens their mind control systems. Why would they want people experiencing the mystical realms of God when they can just listen to people talk about it in church?



Shamanism is the pre-cursor to all religion that we have on Earth today. The wisdom that shamanic lineages hold and bring to the world cannot be known and only experienced through their work.


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I spent some time with European shamanic practitioners and experienced the power they hold. Their knowledge and healing abilities cannot be spoken about authentically because you simply wouldn’t believe them without experiencing it.



Shamanic journeying is an ancient practice. For shamanic practitioners, journeying involves getting into an alternate state of awareness and ‘journeying’ to one of 3 worlds. You can read a good article on journeying here. I recommend reading the article before listening to the drumming audio to heighten your experience.


Listen To The Shamanic Drumming Here